Where do you want to advertise?

Please visit the category you want to advertise in, look along the right hand side, choose the slot with an orange border that you want to advertise in, and click the "Sponsorship Available" link.

Visit Pennswoods to pick your category and slot!

Vital Statistics
Pennswoods delivered 0 category views in 0 categories in the last 30 days.

Category sponsorship prices

SlotMonthly cost

Artwork pricing for ad creation
We've teamed up with a Pennsylvania based advertising agency to give you an amazing value on professional, effective ads.

Ad typeOne time cost
Basic ad. No animation. Static text.$80.00
Animated ad. Three frames. Dynamic text.$180.00
Animated ad. Fifteen frames. Dynamic text.$280.00
Upload your own ad.$0.00

Looking for BIG views without targeting a specific category?
Rotation on ALL unsponsored categories, delivering millions of views monthly. This is a way to buy our unsold inventory in bulk. When you see a slot with the orange border and "Sponsorship Available" below it, that tells you that it is available.
To buy one of these you'll need to contact us.

SlotMonthly cost
1 - Top$599.00
3 - Middle$399.00
5 - Bottom$199.00

About Category Sponsorship

First, our service is month to month with no contract. You can continue sponsoring a category as long as you like. When you have cancelled we will deliver your ad for the rest of your paid month and will not bill you again. You can sponsor as many categories as you want.

About Pennswoods.net Classifieds

Pennswoods.net Classifieds has been an amazing resource for the region in the last decade. In recent years it has been delivering between one and two million pages every day! With more than 16,000 ads all less than 14 days old, Pennswoods.net is the place to advertise if you do business from Ohio to central PA and Southern New York to Maryland. It is a unique community that enables folks to buy, sell, and trade locally. Get ready for results!

Working Together

Working together Pennswoods.net and Digital Mountain Consulting have created a new category sponsorship advertising placement. We have created five advertising spots in the category listings along the right side of the list. These are reserved for local businesses who want the ability to stay present in a category. These sponsorships will keep your ad present EVERY time the pages are loaded. Your ad will NOT be rotated; you will have exclusive access to your slot.

We take the guesswork out of advertising.

Questions? More information? Help? contact us


Below you see an example of the category sponsorship block available in all categories. Notice the top two slots are sold and unavailable. The third slot has the orange border and says "Sponsorship Available".